Boundary House Restaurant The

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1045 River Rd CAL910-579-8888
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The Boundary House Restaurant has a rather extensive history. The original "Boundary House" sat astride the state line and was built by 24 gentlemen as a place of rendezvous for travelers prior to 1750. It was located on a tract of land owned by the Indian trader William Waties. Its earliest recorded use was for worship and fellowship by the local citizens.The Rev. John Barnett, who was a preacher in the area in 1767, wrote his conference secretary and said "nine times a year I preach at the Boundary House situated on the line between the Carolinas. Here a large congregation meets. At my first coming, they were so unacquainted with liturgy that I was forced to make every response myself." In addition to the religious worship, it was here that Isaac Marion, an older brother of the "swamp fox," resided when the news spread of the Battle of Lexington and the"shot heard round the world" which started the Revolutionary War.